
While in San Pedro there was a dog that hung around the hostel we were staying in called Rossi (that's the dog's name not the hostel.. the hostel was called Florida).
Everone used to give her scraps of food and stuff and aparently her owner had just left her in the town. The night we got back from Sandboarding Rossi was outside the hostel foaming at the mouth and not being able to stand. The owners of the hoslel were there but doing nothing and after asking them what was wrong they told me that she had probably ate poision and had about an hour to live. Seeing as no one else cared I wrapped her up in my blanket and Paul and myself set off looking for a vet. We did find one but it was closed so we just brought her back to the hostel where Ing tried to give her some water and left her wrapped to hopefully sleep. The next morning when I open my bedroom door Rossi was there jumping up at me.. For the next two nights, I let her sleep in the spare bed in our room, and fed her pizza. When we had to leave for the Salt Plains, she followed myself, Ing and Paul down to the bus where she waved us off. I'm sure someone else is looking after her now.
Keep up the reports, we do read them, sounds like your having fun, how cute is Rossi???
well done guys Fred will be proud of his parents!!!
Rossi has a face like Millie, Dec.
Thats why you took to her. Shes a dote.
Your blog site is my bedtime reading now. Miss you, Shar
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