Ireland and Brazil

Left Dublin to sad goodbyes after 5 and a 1/2 weeks of expensive Guinness and traffic that would put Parramatta Road to shame.. The goodbyes are always the worst bit. It was so good seeing everyone again (and Daragh for the first time) and it´s amazing how quickly everyone grows up in 18 months when you doñ´t see them. Sometimes I wish I was the `proper` uncle and there all the time but........

Arrived at madrid for a 14 hour stop over, and being the cheap skate, decided to hang around the airport. When I finally got to Rio, I headed for a hotel on Ipanema Beach where Ing was ment to have arrived over 2 days before me. Worked out that due to a delayed flight, she missed all her connections and had only arrived there that morning. . There was no point in telling Herself about my sleepless night in madrid.
The next day we met some guy who claims that years ago he caught a massive fish and fed loads of people with it...

The same guy then tried his hand at bungee jumping but I was too scared to follow him. I did it once about 10 years ago and that´s enough for me.

That night we caught a bus down to Angra, in order to catch a boat the following morning to Ilha Grande. The place came highly recomended by Caz, Gav and Luzi. It is a gem and the 5 hour bush walking through the forest trails from beach to beach, does it no harm. We stayed on the island for 4 days and payed a visit to Lopez Mendes which is ment to be one of Brazils best beaches.

The next two and a half days were a disaster. It´s amazing how three words can sum up such a long time. BUS STATION and BUSES. We eventually made it to Foz Do Iguacu, which is the Brazilian side of The Iguassu Falls, which we are going to see tomorrow. Apparently they are the biggest water falls in the world.
Onwards and upwards....